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The Adam Gardiner Fund Incorporation (AGF) raises money to support the Westmead Amyloidosis Centre in the treatment of amyloidosis, a group of diseases that cause a…
If you have been diagnosed with a rare disease, I'm sure that at some point you have met a nurse or a doctor who has never heard of your condition. Doctors and…
In patient news, I know of one patient who had a combined liver and kidney transplant in 2018, and as I mentioned in the previous blog post, the third liver-only…
The most widely used system is the European modification of the original 3-stage Mayo 2004 system which uses Troponin T or I and NT-pro-BNP to divide patients into…
Recently I saw a movie with Robert Redford, "All is Lost". Takes me back. Before we were married my future wife and I charted a bare boat Morgan 29' sloop in the…
Rare Disease Day takes place every year on the last day of February. The purpose is to raise awareness about rare diseases and their impact on patient's lives. Most…
I am grateful to tell the story of my journey in and through the world of hematology and blood dyscrasisas. As I read the plight of so many of my comrades with…
This book sweeps the reader across nine years and four continents, in the fateful odyssey of an internationally acclaimed actor who was suddenly stricken with a…
This is a non-fiction book that tells how I beat an incurable, terminal disease known as amyloidosis. Amyloidosis turned my heart, literally and figuratively, into…