Disease Management

Amyloidosis is a rare condition that used to almost always be fatal, but doctors are finally making progress in treating it. "I had so many symptoms, and I really…
Amyloidosis is a disorder in which certain proteins abnormally change their shape in a process called "misfolding." The misfolded proteins accumulate together and…
Cardiac amyloidosis, traditionally considered a rare and dire disease, is receiving increasing attention as sophisticated diagnostics are identifying more patients…
Amyloidosis is a term for diseases caused by extracellular deposition of protein fibrils. The accepted nomenclature is "AX", "A" for amyloidosis, and "X" indicating…
Allegheny Health Network (AHN) believe a novel multidisciplinary approach to patient care, together with emerging diagnostic and therapeutic advances, can help to…
Amyloidosis is a systemic disorder characterized by extra cellular deposition of a protein-derived material, known as amyloid, in multiple organs. Amyloidosis…
A UCL-led study has confirmed that some vials of a hormone used in discontinued medical treatments contained seeds of a protein implicated in Alzheimer's disease,…
Disorders of peripheral nerves are the most common neurological complications of systemic amyloidosis; an illness where a protein called amyloid is deposited in…
Talking often with the doctor is important to make informed decisions about your health care. These suggested questions are a starting point to help you learn more…
Doctors and scientists are always looking for better ways to care for patients with amyloidosis. To make scientific advances, doctors create research studies…