Amyloid Day in Calgary

This year's event is dedicated to the passionate and growing community of amyloid patients, care providers, researchers and clinicians both locally and around the globe. In the spirit of community, we welcome you to Amyloid Day in Calgary!

Over the past few years there have been tremendous advances in amyloidosis care, both in recognition and diagnostic approaches, and importantly, new and/or enhanced therapeutic strategies. On behalf of the Amyloidosis Program of Calgary (APC), it is a pleasure to invite you to attend the 5th annual Amyloid Day in Calgary to be held on Oct. 5, 2023.

Date & Time:
October 5, 2023, 8 am - 4:15 pm MDT
Tom Baker Cancer Centre Auditorium (Foothills Medical Centre) Calgary, AB and Virtual
*Registration will remain open until September 28, 2023.