Diet and Nutrition: Living Well With AL Amyloidosis - Infosheet

Key Information
Myeloma UK

This Infosheet explains what a well-balanced diet is, what can make it difficult to maintain when you are an AL amyloidosis patient, when a special diet might be necessary and tips for eating a well-balanced diet.

What should I be eating?

AL amyloidosis patients often have questions about diet and nutrition - about what types of foods are best to eat or avoid, or if there are any special diets they should follow.

Despite the significant interest in special diets, there has been no rigorous scientific study of them in AL amyloidosis so their effects are unknown and unproven. Because of this lack of scientific evidence, no alternative diets are recommended for AL amyloidosis patients.

Dietary, salt or fluid restrictions may be necessary due to heart or kidney problems in some patients. Otherwise, AL amyloidosis patients should follow the same general principles of healthy eating that apply to everyone.

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