Michael York, the enduring actor whose film credits include Cabaret, The Three Musketeers, and Logan's Run, is settling into his next act two-thousand miles away from Hollywood.
Earlier this year, York and his wife of 54 years, Pat, listed their longtime home in Los Angeles and set their sights on southern Minnesota. After years of traveling here for care at Mayo Clinicexternal link, opens in a new tab, the couple had decided it was time to permanently relocate to Rochester - and be closer to the institution that York credits for saving his life.
The York's' connection to the city goes back to 2012 when Pat was put in touch with retired Mayo physician Dr. Robert Kyleexternal link, opens in a new tab, an international expert in hematology. Pat informed Dr. Kyle of Michael's symptoms, including dark rings around his eyes, and that Michael had been receiving treatment for multiple myeloma, a type of bone marrow cancer.
But Dr. Kyle had another thought: He believed York may be suffering from a rare blood disease known as amyloidosis, and encouraged him to travel to Rochester.