Kat's Eye

http://katseyeview.CC Blogspot.com/

This blog is about God's faithfulness. Yes, I still attest to God's faithfulness even though I was a health-conscious, active 50-year-old woman who was diagnosed with a rare, incurable blood disorder that is fatal if left untreated (Primary AL Amyloidosis with or without Multiple Myeloma depending on which medical opinion is used). I have received many wonderful blessings in my life and never once questioned whether I was worthy to receive them. When this diagnosis was received, I knew it would be hypocritical to question "Why me?"

God has been faithful throughout my health battle. From the first day (literally 14 hours after my diagnosis), I felt God telling me during my morning prayer that we would beat this. I underwent high dose chemo and a stem cell transplant in April 2013 at The James Cancer Center at Ohio State University.
