What Does Carpal Tunnel Have to Do With Heart Disease?

Have you been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome? In both wrists? Are you a man over 50 or a woman over 60? Do you also suffer from congestive heart failure or other heart disease? Can the numb, tingly fingers of carpal tunnel syndrome be a harbinger of undetected heart disease?
If you're in your 50s or 60s and you have just developed carpal tunnel disease, it's possible that a serious disease - amyloidosis - may be lurking in your body. And you're even more likely to silently suffer from this disease if you're also a male who had a ruptured biceps tendon or lumbar stenosis.
If you've had carpal tunnel, you probably know that the numbness comes from compression of the median nerve, which goes from your wrist to your fingers. If you're like me, you probably never even mentioned this carpal tunnel diagnosis to your cardiologist. Why would you?