Paula Schmitt is the executive director and patient registry manager of the Amyloidosis Support Groups (ASG)external link, opens in a new tab. As the executive director of the ASG, she facilitates support group meetings in several different locations east of the Mississippi. She advances her knowledge of Amyloidosis by regularly attending medical conferences, webinars and symposia such as the ISA biannual meeting, and the annual ASH conference. Paula co-hosts the ASG's online patient webinars, moderates several online patient/caregiver support groups, serves on industry led Patient Leader Advisory Boards and has served as the Community Manager for the oneAMYLOIDOSISvoice Social Wallexternal link, opens in a new tab since September 2019. She maintains memberships with the International Society of Amyloidosis (ISA), Georgia Society of Clinical Oncology, and Georgia Cancer Patient Navigators. Paula has been living with localized Amyloidosis since 1993.