Key Information
Amyloidosis is a rare disease in which abnormally folded proteins form amyloid fibrils that accumulate in various tissues and organs, sometimes leading to organ dysfunction, organ failure, and death.
* The symptoms and severity of amyloidosis depend on which vital organs are affected.
* Diagnosis is made by obtaining a sample of tissue (biopsy sample) and examining it under a microscope.
* There are many forms of amyloidosis, and other testing is required to identify the form and its cause.
* Treatment depends upon the type of amyloidosis.
All types of amyloidosis involve a protein that folds abnormally (all proteins are long chains of molecules that fold up into a certain shape). The abnormally folded proteins clump together and accumulate in various tissues. The accumulations are called amyloid deposits or amyloid fibrils. There are many different proteins that can fold abnormally and form amyloid deposits. All of these proteins are produced within the body.