Key Information
Amyloidosis is a term used to describe a group of diseases in which there is an extracellular deposition of amorphous fibrillar proteins known as amyloid. The aim of this study was to present clinicopathological data from eight oral amyloidosis-affected patients and a deep review of the literature about the disease.
Materials and methods:
A retrospective study was conducted based on the records of oral amyloidosis-affected patients diagnosed in our institution between 1978 and 2012. The clinicopathological features and immunohistochemical (IHC) staining with anti-kappa and anti-lambda light chain antibodies were carried out and analyzed.
Eight patients were diagnosed with the disease; the tongue and women in their sixth decade of life were mostly affected. All lesions demonstrated apple-green birefringence and immunoreactivity for kappa-light chain, and four cases also showed lambda positivity. According to our series, four cases were diagnosed with localized amyloidosis and four with systemic amyloidosis. Prognosis for the systemic ones was gloomy, but good for the localized ones, which was characterized by a slow pattern of deposition without evolution to systemic involvement.
This study reinforces our knowledge about predilections, outcomes, and the importance of making a correct and quick diagnosis of oral amyloidosis and shows the necessity of more studies detailing oral amyloidosis predilection on a global scale. The importance and utility of IHC in the typing of the biochemical nature of amyloid deposits are becoming increasingly necessary for proper management of the patient. Correct classification of the type of amyloid is important for treatment consequences.
Clinical relevance:
This article highlights the clinicopathological data of patients with amyloidosis affecting oral tissues and compare these new findings with other worldwide descriptions. Because of its rarity, such data are often unfamiliar to most clinicians and pathologists.