Healthcare Professional
Dr. Bianchi is a physician-scientist and Associate Director of the Amyloidosis Program at Brigham and Women's Hospital/Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Assistant…
Marcus Anthony Urey, MD, is a board-certified cardiologist specializing in advanced heart failure, mechanical circulatory devices and heart transplantation. He has…
Sara N. Horst, MD, MPH is an Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and a gastroenterologist who is interested in the care of patients…
Dr. Hans Nienhuis has a background in immunology, with specific training in autoinflammation and amyloidosis in all its forms. He is the coordinator of the…
David Wolinsky, MD is a graduate of Columbia University where he received his undergraduate and medical degrees. He carried out his postgraduate training and…
Chakra Chaulagain, MD is a graduate of Tribhuvan University in Maharajgunj, Kathmandu where he received his medical degree. Postgraduate Dr. Chaulagain continued…
Professor Dr. med. Arnt Kristen ist seit 2017 als Kardiologe und Partner im Kardiovaskularen Zentrum Darmstadt tatig. Zuvor war er als stellvertretender…
Ute Hegenbart is a Senior Physician and Spokesperson at Amyloidosis Center, Senior Physician at Stem Cell Transplantation Section, Laboratory Manager at Amyloidosis…
Dr. Gaggin is a clinical investigator, educator, and cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School who focuses on evidence-based…
Dr. K. H. Vincent Lau is an Assistant Professor of Neurology and Associate Director of Residency Program at the Boston University School of Medicine. He is also a…