
Oct 21, 2020
Finding out you have a rare genetic disease such as familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) can be unsettling, especially if you live alone or planning to do so.…
Mar 10, 2020
The presence of peripheral neuropathy symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and burning sensations in the hands and feet might lead to a familial amyloid…
In this edition we hear from John Hicks and his experience of being a carer to his wife Joyce for the last 6 years. We also have an update from Gary Mines, who was…
His symptoms began with dizziness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and edema in the ankles, feet and calves. After visiting with multiple doctors, in 2007…
For somebody in need of a diagnosis, the internet can be a dangerous tool. However, for Darcy Tannehill, who had already dedicated most of her life to research…
In February 2014, Sondra Kunes was feeling a little more fatigued than usual, but wrote it off as being 54 and raising five children ranging from their early teens…