My Amyloidosis Story - Elaine Stewart

Just informing everyone that on September 1, 2017, I was diagnosed with a rare blood disease called Al Amyloidosis. I call it "Amy" for short. May this year I had my annual blood work done. Normally everything usually comes back normal, except my HDL's could be higher, my LDL's could be lower etc. but I had a high in my creatinine level which has to do with kidney functioning. Upon further testing it was determined I had quite a lot of protein leaking into my urine.
My primary physician sent me to a kidney specialist which ordered more tests, ultra sound of kidneys, bone survey to rule out myeloma (bone cancer), many, many blood tests and finally August 28th 2017 a stay in New Hanover Regional Medical Center for a kidney biopsy, which they took pieces of my kidney and sent to the University of NC, Chapel Hill for results.