Professional skills of Roberto Coury Pedrosa include a broad background in clinical cardiology, with specific training and expertise in key research areas. During his PhD at Federal University of the Rio de Janeiro, he carried out a research protocol to investigate the relation between cardiac arrhythmias and molecular markers (antibodies with functional muscarinic-like activity) in Chagas' heart disease.
At the Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory "Antonio Paes de Carvalho"- Institute of Biophysics Carlos Chagas Filho at Federal University of the Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), he expanded his research to verify whether other antibody specificities contribute to the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias.
As researcher at Heart Institute Edson Saad of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and National Council of Scientific and Technological Development of the Brazil-(CNPq) funded grants, since 2001, he has a project line of clinical research in chronic Chagas heart' disease to investigate the relationship between cardiac arrhythmias, dysautonomia, and molecular markers (antibodies with adrenergic or muscarinic agonistic functional activity).
Representative Publications:
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Last Name
Av. Pedro Calmon <br>
550 - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
550 - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Affiliation Info
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Type of Expert
Rio de Janeiro
State of Rio de Janeiro
Online Profile