S. Vincent Rajkumar is a Hematologist/Internist/Oncologist at Mayo Clinicexternal link, opens in a new tab, Minnesota. He completed his MBBS followed by Internship from Christian Medical College, Vellore, India. Dr. Rajkumar completed Fellowship in Hematology & Medical Oncology from Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Residency in Internal Medicine from University of North Dakota School of Medicine. Currently Dr. Rajkumar is Co-Chair at American Society of Hematology and International Myeloma Working Group.
Dr. S. Vincent Rajkumar is engaged in clinical, epidemiological and laboratory research in myeloma and related disorders and has served as the Principal Investigator on several clinical trials for the treatment of myeloma, including the pivotal trials that led to the regulatory approval of Thalidomide for the treatment of the disease in the United States.
He is focused in areas like biomarkers for diagnosis of multiple myeloma and related disorders, novel therapies for multiple myeloma, epidemiology and prognosis of myeloma and related monoclonal gammopathies, clinical trials for myeloma and related disorders and racial disparities in myeloma and related plasma cell disorders.
Representative Publications:
Mayo Clinic<br>200 First St. SW