Patient Education
May 19, 2019
Sometimes called "compassionate use", expanded access is a potential pathway for a patient with a serious or life-threatening disease or condition to try an…
Feb 12, 2019
Genetic testing uses laboratory methods to look at your genes, which are the DNA instructions you inherit from your mother and your father. Genetic tests may be…
Nov 13, 2018
Amyloidosis is a disease that develops when abnormally folded proteins collect together to form amyloid fibrils, which deposit in various organs and cause organ…
Aug 19, 2018
To prevent the progression of amyloidosis and the damage it can cause, your doctor should recommend a treatment plan that includes certain medications or procedures…
Aug 19, 2018
Amyloidosis is a rare disease that has no cure. However, with prompt and ongoing treatment, you can help decrease symptoms and prevent or delay long-term…
Jan 03, 2018
The term informed consent is mistakenly viewed as the same as getting a research participant's signature on the consent form. FDA believes that obtaining a…
Mar 16, 2017
You may ask yourself, "Why should I try something that researchers are not sure will work?" That is a good question. Being part of a clinical trial may have risks…
Oct 19, 2015
It is believed that exercise is beneficial for the general well-being of patients with amyloidosis. If there are amyloid deposits in the heart then exercise should…
Oct 19, 2015
Many patients with AL amyloidosis should limit their fluid intake. This advice is extremely important but is often overlooked. Fluid intake should be steady and…
Oct 19, 2015
Peripheral neuropathy:
Medications that may help to alleviate neuropathic pain include gabapentin, pregabalin and duloxetine. Medical staff can give advice…